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{ Monthly Archives } October 2008

Playing with links – will it work?

Struggling to put in a link and eventually Walter discovered that by putting a name highlighting and clicking link the dialogue box appeared and the link could then be inserted. Why did this struggle ocurr? Walter usually works with HTML and so was unfamiliar with the visual screen and the faded “link” button! For example […]

Wandering the pages

Setting up a Blog with the intent to place writing I have done and will do is a challenge. Walter thank you for revising and developing the site. I am getting a strong feel for its workability. I will continue to explore. With your being away for a while when you return I should be […]

Canon of Creativity

 A group of psychodrama trainees, a colleague and I recently explored Jacob Moreno’s Canon of Creativity. During the weekend the question came what is a “canon”. It is a rule or law. A law by decree a gathering together of religious rules, principles and precepts can be called a canon. The canon may however be a natural […]

Components of a Role

  A clue from Moreno 4 Components & 2 Interactive Factors The first clue is about there being thinking, feeling and action in every and any role. Second in the graphic that follows there are three additional factors alongside and essential to a concept that role has thinking, feeling and action. They are that: a. values arise […]

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I am myself and I want to be ME – when I really am me

Spontaneity is the freedom to be each of us ourselves. To be freer and freer to be who I am or you are and for us to become who we really can be. I want to be truly myself. Spontaneity is the factor in us that releases that freedom. Healthy spontaneity is mindfully directed and […]

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A Poem by W.H. Auden

Walter Logeman who has been guiding me into the world of blogging and web pages on Word Press sent me this poem to lead me into the how to post or page an article or document. You will see that I posted a comment on his posting and I copy it here after the poem.

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Freedom to Act in New Ways

Freedom to act in new ways (Word) Freedom to Act in New Ways co-authored with Charmaine McVae is an article for the Australian Psychologist’s December 2007 edition. The article presents a spontaneity-creativity-mindfulness approach to psychological counselling where the client makes new choices and develops new ways of being him or her self in settings that have […]

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Becoming Jane

Becoming Jane: Appreciating her being and becoming through explorations of role This article was submitted to 2007 ANZPA Journal and published with a small unintended alteration as the result of an addition of graphics. Here in its original form. The use of the words “coping gestalt” rather than “coping role”were carefully chosen as Don explained in […]

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Walter’s thinking about science & Moreno

Walter’s post