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{ Monthly Archives } May 2008

Rain Rain go away come again another day

 We were going to Brisbane today. Meetings with good friends and colleagues. South east Queensland is swept by tropical storms and we are not moving out of our apartment – it could be worse of course and the Crusaders could be beaten by the Warratahs or the Socaroos be beaten by Iraq. For now we […]

The sand is back

Going on to the beach at 7.20am the man leaning on the fence post in a flurescent red shirt with his eyes scanning and searching the beach with an exagerated familiarity made his declaration. “The sand is coming back.” This is true, so I say “Yes it is.” End of conversation as Gwen and I […]

A Bridge too Far

I have been thinking and talking with Gwen about yet another child yesterday being baffled at our Leyland 1980 Mini Moke. No doors are a problem if you are two. The mother’s responses are interesting. Watching alongside the mother is positioned as a “director” in a psychodrama for a mirrored scene. Or in a similar […]

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Publishing prescriptions

This morning in conversation with a colleague by email we engaged on the need for trainees and students to discipline their writing to meet their publishers precise requirements. Psychodramatists in training are attracted by and continue their training buoyed by the discovery of spontaneity and the access it gives to their creative genius. They notice […]

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It hasn’t got any doors

People of all ages point and laugh with delight. Teen agers shout greetings. Smaller children always want someone to look too. Tiny people 2’s – 3’s are perplexed. It doesn’t fit their image of things that move on roads. It doesn’t fit with what adults ride in. The problem is “How does he get out […]


Library 9am

The laptop in our Mini Moke and off I go to the Library to play at blogs webs site-management and uploading and so on. Gwen and I have already walked an hour on the beach between porridge and toast with the second cup of tea.

The beach edge

Click for larger image The beach crawls with flora weedy and scrawny greeny greys and fighting brighter green clawing into the sand will it hold against high tide will rising global seas simply swamp its effort.

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A new day

The beaches of the Queensland Sunshine Coast are ever changing. Tidal rhythms don’t coincide with our regular walking times and beach is narrow or wide. Storms and winds steepen or flatten the slope. The larger storms scour revealing the black vocanic rocks and laying off sand bars to increase the adreneline of surfers girls boys […]

The forms I or you take in being ourselves

The form or way of being myself or of you being yourself takes as a functioning form or whole unique being is grown or developed as we move respond and act. What arises from within us is our own “spontaneity” energy and life we produce and constantly are creating in ourselves. We do it. We […]

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